The Sport ACGV SPOOS0 Line Eyewear

By Gord Montgomery, Senior Writer, Inside Golf As the weather warms up in Western Canada, golfers…
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Phenomenal Golf Products For Father’s Day 2024

These products are some of the very best that have been brought to market so far this year. Whether…
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UpSwing Aims To Bring Low-Tension Rounds To Public Golf

By GORD MONTGOMERY, Inside Golf CALGARY, Alberta — Although it’s well known for its high-end…
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Fast Twitch Workout For Rotational Power

Your favorite golfers aren’t making those hits by accident; they’re training for it! You’ll…
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Do You Make This Common Takeaway Mistake?

If you make this common takeaway mistake, it could be costing you both distance and accuracy with…
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Why Knowing Your Golf Swing ‘Type’ Can Help You Improve On Your Own

Looking for a new way to improve your golf game? Identifying your swing “type” is one way to…
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