Canada, USA & Mexico Team Championship Set For April 2018 In Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Details
- Category: Inside Golf
- Published: 2017-11-03

For those who like the intrigue and challenge of international golf, welcome to the Canada, USA & Mexico Team Championship, where you can represent your state and compete against other states from the two countries. The Ryder Cup/Solheim Cup-styled event is set for April 27-29 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, at Vidanta Nuevo Vallarta Resort.
Just as cool are the two signature courses where the competition will take place. Architect supreme Jack Nicklaus designed the rst course at Vidanta Nuevo Vallarta, and another architectural legend, Greg Norman, just unveiled the second course at the resort. Both will be in tip-top condition for the competition, according to tournament coordinators Brian Foster and Vito Berlingeri, who are putting together Team USA.
“For this first year, we’d like to get a team of about 20 players,” Foster said. “But it’s a three-year commitment, so it will be an annual event.
“The goal is to eventually fill up both courses, but over time I think we can do that.”
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The inaugural event will feature two-person teams from Arizona, Texas, Colorado and New York, and Mexico has seven states, so we expect that they also will probably be somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 teams, too.”
The three days of play will feature two- person teams competing in foursomes (best ball), four ball (modi ed alternate shot) and a two-person scramble. Each state can enter as many two-person male or female teams that they wish. You can play with your buddy or bring your family. Each player must have a veri able handicap index.
Competitors are encouraged to book for ve days and four nights with packages starting at $1,854 per player. For more information, visit Or contact Foster at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (602) 909-7799.
Click HERE to find out more about the Cancun area golf courses.
About the Writer
Joe Passov, aka Travelin’ Joe, rates golf courses and travel destinations for Golf Magazine. He lives in Scottsdale.